Rocky's Spot For Eternal Wisdom

If you want the kind of wisdom that will change your life in all the important areas....well my friend you have come to the right place. Not only will my brilliant ideas make your life better, but it may even bring a kinda happiness you never thought possible! I do not desire fame or fortune...I have a gift and I want to enhance the world through my gift.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Oregon Tales

Alas, another posting......another attempt at explaining what I have been up to. It has been kinda a crazy last couple weeks in my life. From deep joy to deep sadness it has just been a little draining. However, this morning I took a nice little walk and just spent some time praying and talking to God on a beautiful Oregon trail (not the hit game from our childhood). I am always amazed by our God. As I sit and complain and wonder if things will ever work out, His response is ,"Do not worry, I love you." Which seems to me to be the best response I could get. The moral of this post I suppose is that God is wonderful and even though this adventure with God can be hectic at times, it is the best place to be. I am even a little excited to see where this day might take me......


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