Rocky's Spot For Eternal Wisdom

If you want the kind of wisdom that will change your life in all the important areas....well my friend you have come to the right place. Not only will my brilliant ideas make your life better, but it may even bring a kinda happiness you never thought possible! I do not desire fame or fortune...I have a gift and I want to enhance the world through my gift.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Coffee and Mini Horses

On Sunday I had enjoyed the easiest work day of my life. My friend Dana and I drove to Hamilton in the Liquid Planet Shooting Star Vehicle to make coffees at a miniature horse show. It was the first time I had ever been so close to a mini horse. It was quite an event. Although it was interesting to see the horses, coffee sales were not so happening. Dana and I made only 22 coffees in more than 4 hours. In addition, we only made 75 cents each in tips! So I continue to be a broke college kid. The most creepy event was the costume show were the horses and their owners dressed up. The costumes ranged from a tropical horse, a horse dressed like a cow, and the scariest..a horse wearing a wedding dress. It was just confirmation that Montana is the strangest place on earth. It also taught me that no matter what my future daughter may say, I will never purchase a horse.


  • At 2:52 PM, Blogger Rael said…

    you sure they weren't ponies ;-)
    You might have to give her a pony just specify that she can never dress it in a wedding dress... Mariners gear yes wedding dress no.

  • At 3:58 PM, Blogger erin said…

    Oh, come on, like they don't have horse fashion shows in VWA.

    Hmmm...wonder if I could get into the custom horse-bridal wear market. Did they have any horses dressed as clowns? I would think that would be pretty creepy too.

  • At 9:14 PM, Blogger Lance Fisher said…

    I'm thinking a centaur is creepier.

  • At 12:35 PM, Blogger erin said…

    Ohmygoodness, Lance! I'm so disturbed!


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