Rocky's Spot For Eternal Wisdom

If you want the kind of wisdom that will change your life in all the important areas....well my friend you have come to the right place. Not only will my brilliant ideas make your life better, but it may even bring a kinda happiness you never thought possible! I do not desire fame or fortune...I have a gift and I want to enhance the world through my gift.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

I need Imput

Alright fellow bloggers I am turning to you for advice. As my previous post stated, I won a free massage..but the problem is how much should I tip? I don't want to be cheap, but I also don't want to look like the dumb kid who tips way too much. Also I believe that my charm should be considered...I mean they are lucky to have me as a client. Any help will be appreciated!


  • At 9:51 AM, Blogger Lance Fisher said…

    Okay, Rocky, I've done some research. Here is what I found from my survey of two massage goers.

    Me: Hey you've had a massage before. How much, if any, do you tip?

    Co-worker J: I wouldn't be a good person to ask. My masseuse is a good friend of mine, so my tips are, "don't take wooden nickels."

    Other co-worker J: I figure $50 an hour is already good enough, but I think my husband gave the masseuse five or ten dollars.

    Co-worker J: Ya goin' to see the masseuse are ya?

    Me: No, I have a friend who won a free massage.

    Co-worker J: Oh, in that case, I'd give five or ten dollars.

    Other Co-worker J: Yeah, ten if it's good.

    Me: Okay, thanks.

  • At 2:34 PM, Blogger erin said…

    If you're as charming as you say (and that I don't doubt), then I think you should just ask her, "So, how much does a person tip for a free massage, anyway?". Then, when she says X dollars, you say, "Does that include dinner?". Then you wink, flash the old Rocky grin and:

    A) Enjoy your dinner (after getting more input from fellow bloggers).


    B) Nurse your wounded ego with the rest of us losers.

    Good Luck, kid. (Oh, and I guess this only applies to masseuses and not masseurs).


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